
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Conceptual Model versus Logical Model

We have so far elaborated a part of the connection-pipe model.  The second attribute, the connection-type, still needs to be elaborated.  At this time, we could continue to elaborate the model or choose to move, whatever we have described so far, one step closer to a design format that can be more easily digitized.

I think it will provide a better understanding if instead of further elaboration of the conceptual model we move the discussion towards how to digitize the model developed so far.

Digitization means coding some logic.  The logic needs to be represented in some format before it could be coded.   Without the aid of an appropriate model for representing the logic it is quite likely that the code that will be developed may not be complete i.e. it may not cover all possible scenarios.  While we call the previous model (connection-pipe) a conceptual model we will call this class of model as “logical model”

A conceptual model helps us model the real life scenario so that we are able to go beyond the observable behavior and predict behavior that has as yet not occurred. 

A logical model on the other hand ensures that the conceptual model that we have developed is represented in a way that all the interactions conceived in the conceptual model are captured COMPLETELY.

The purpose of a conceptual model is to completely describe the real life BEHAVIOR.  The purpose of the logical model is to ensure that all the interactions possible in the conceptual model are completely described.  

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